Wednesday, October 14, 2009


there's been a lot of bitches in my life recently. i can't really say "butt out of my life" to them, so i'm saying them here. this is MY life, so just BUTT OUT.

anyway, this is not the reason i'm writing (since that i'm doin this rarely). i'm talkin about the movie 2012. 2012 may be the end of thw world for us. what are we going to do? i'll only be 19...

no matter we're fat or thin , ugly, beautiful, rich poor, smart or stupid, we are all going to die on the same day, so i just wanna say, look at all those who are around you, try to love them--i know it's real hard. on second thought, just forget the bitches. but there's one thing in the world that you should really appreciate before they are gone, washed away by the end, and that's friends and family. try to understand them, try to love them, see things from their point of view, look at them like that is the last time. ask yourself, what if that are the last words i said to them? can you let them die with those words in their hearts?

i know, i'm being dramatic, but just tell yourself this--

you'll never know how much time you have left.