Friday, May 14, 2010

gimme a P, gimme a J, gimme a Hey, that's Great!

i just finished watching Percy jackson, and guess what? i think it's the best movie ever converted from a book.

i absolutely love the book. but the movie? whew, it's a whole new level of love! i mean, there's a lotta editing in the whole movie and everything isn't what it's supposed to be as it is in the book. but, i love the director, his ideas of changing the way the book portrays everyting. well, there's also the fact that the leading actor was cute. not to mention kinda sweet.

anyway, i dun wanna spoil the whole movie by giving you guys too much (which is actually an excuse for my laziness-- pretty obvious) , so i'm just gonna say what i loked most in the movie.

1. i simply love poseidon and the gods. poseidon looks so handsome. in the book he's like a tourist in hawaii, but in the movie... now, that's another brilliant story.

2. i didn't really liked the starting scene, but guess it gives the viewers a lil suspense.

3. I LOVE LOGAN LERMAN. which is actually, understatement of the year. just because he looks so cute. (i know. accept me as i am.)

4. i love Hermes' shoes.

5. i love the way the director gave percy powers. it made him look so ... heroic. he can just put his hand out, concentrate and have total control over waters. and make em into waves and stuff. i'm a sucker for heroes. i have a soft spot in my heart for em. but then again, who doesn't?

6. i didn't really liked the conversation btwn percy and his dad. i mean, it wasn't touching enough, but hey, the book didn't really go for the tears, you know? it was okay, but i'd hoped better.

7. there's actually no seven for percy. i just suddenly thought of LEGION, and absolutely love the angel Michael. he's like strong, and he knows what he wants and he isn't afraid to do anything--which includes defying god. there's this thing he said about god that i like--if you were His father, would you give him what he asked for, or what he needed. AAHHH!!! and when he dies and then reappear as an angel, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! and the way he's portrayed with his silhouette against the sunlight!!!!!! i know. he's an angel and stuff, but, hey, a girl can dream.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

prom and romance

i guess alll of us can say that you simply cannot separate romance from prom. or prom from romance. or...whatever. you know what i mean. but, don't get the wrong idea. i decided not to go, simply becaause, tiff is goin to be working her butt off, and the others, well, just say i would be quite alone the whole night.

so, back to the main topic. when i decided not to goto my mum's school's prom, which, in fact, is also the first prom i know of ever held in malacca--i know, sad, ain't it?--i stayed at home and watched an incredibly irish and romantic romance film (now come on, if it wasn't romantic,, i wouldn't have called it a romance, would i?) it's called LEAP YEAR, starring a very sweet but annoyingly petty Amy Adams, and a very Irish, good looking guy who pronounced idiot as "ee-di-ought" , called Matthew Goode. it was incredibly sweet and romantic and in fact it made us (at least me) wonder whether we would make the wrong choice as the leading lady did. i mean, we all live under the illusions we make and sometimes, we wouldn't even know that it was, in fact, an illusion.

so, for the summary, i can tell you this simjple thing-- Anna (amy adams) was a successful lady who had this boyfriend, jeremy, who had been with her since like four years. so, when after four years, jeremy hadn't propose to her, she decided to take things into her own hands. you see, there was a tradition, Irish tradition that allowed girls to propose to guys on the 29th of february. so, she flew to ireland to join jeremy who was having a cardiology conference there to propose to him. however, things happen and she ended up in a small irish town--dingle, with absolutely no bus, taxi nor train. and of course, she met bar owner, Declan (matthew goode) and eventually they ended up on a journey together because declan needed the money. many things happen, including toasting the car, stepping into cow poo, and also, of course, a kiss. in the end, anna realized that she had everything she wanted, but nothing she needed. She wanted jeremy, but he wasn't what she needed. so, she flew 3000 miles back to ireland, and well, kinda proposed to declan, which ended with declan getting down on one knee and giving her the family ring.

i know this probably doesn't sound a romantic as i should be, but, i'm just saying, if you get the chance , go see it! it's a close-to-perfect replacement for a lost prom, but, well, worth it. i would really have been a stranger there. even though after looking at the pictures and regretting my absence, i still think i made the right choice. sounds complicated, eh? well, that's the very definition of a girl. at least the definition of me.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

i'm thinking...

English is so much better. i mean, when i want to vent my feelings, i can't possibly rack my brain to find some chinese words that don't come as quickly as english words tat can express myself perfectly, can i? i mean, when i start to think, all those feelings--happy, angry, frustrated--they all desappear, leaving me blank and eventually, nothing to write.

anyway, i'm just writing to say that i've found another great book! by little black dress, it doesn't have the usual things we all expect, but it's absolutely fantastic. very different from singletini, and incredibly british, with words like sort of, i suppose, would you care for a crust and all that! and of course, not forgetting an incredibly handsome, rich aristocracy who seems to have perfect manners and isn a bit like the arrogant mr. darcy everyone expects him to be (well, at least i did, sort of, just thought he might be the darcy kind.).

it's just another cinderella story with a cute little kid inside, plus a common girl and that irresisitable guy. very british writing, i felt as if i'm hearing their words in that accent and had me smiling all the way. i have to say this though, i'd never thought it might be good. i guess what they said was right--you never try, you'll never know.

i was reluctant to read it at first, after reading the summary. you see, the guy--the Earl of Arden, Edward, was married before, but the wife died. i don't usually read books about guys with wifes already, i mean, they sound so OLD. but, something came over me and told me i must read it, so i did. i was hooked from the very first page. it was nice, coz the wife was actually a , in short, a bitch and the whole marriage was just a sham. a lie. so i guess that's okay.

after all, who wouldn't fancy a rich handsome guy and a cinderella? a girl can dream, and it makes her happy.