Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Eclipse--screw or score?

eclipse--the time where the sun or the moon is covered from view. normally viewed as a sign of misfortune, or a time of incredible catastrophe, it is considered one of the rarest yet, most wanted to be seen phenomenon on earth.

as is the thrid book--eclipse, of the twilight saga.

the eclipse book is considered by many, the best book in the whole saga, some even think it's better than breaking dawn and twilight. it is, as proven, the book that shields the others from view. the one that eclipses the rest. for me, well, let's say, i'm more into breaking dawn, even the husband and wife thingy freaks me out a lil... eclipse has it all--romance, suspense, action, thrills, just name it. so, i sincerely hope the crew won't screw it all up. here's the trailer ( official) and tell me wat you guys think! screw? or score?

isabella swan, i promise i'll love you , forever

Sunday, June 6, 2010

17, Again

6th of june, and there fore, 17, again. i know. i've never been seventeen before, but then again, maybe i have.

fuh.. it's been a hard year, what with SPM looming and all the temptations. i have to admit it's been more than once that the thought of just giving it all up crossed my mind. i mean, there are those times when all you can see are the hard oppressing things that push down on you, pushing and pushing you until you have no choice but to jump off the cliff. i admit, there are many times that i've hoped, as bad as i am, that something will happen and stop all this mess.

but, as we--me, family, friends--look back at all those things we once did together, maybe it wasn't that bad. take for example, yesterday's farewell. it was amazing. i couldn't thank the guys who organised it enough. it may seem simple or whatever, but we had great fun, no, immense fun. they took such effort to convince me to go, and to think that i'd almost missed out on this memory...

it will be a memory that'll i'll cherish. it'll be something that will pull my attention away from all those things that seem to make life so hard. it'll be one of those things you can look back to, and think, life's so beautiful. it'll be one of those things that'll live on forever, ever and ever.

i may seem to be exaggerating, but doesn't everything else in life? that's what makes it... life.

my sunway trip will follow below:
i reached school at about 6.30, one of the earliest there. it had been raining the day before, and i have to admit--i din really looked forward to it. i mean, it's a trip, and i'd been on thousands of trips. how would it be different from all of the others?

how wrong was i.

we reached sunway at around 9, 10 o'clock. after buying tickets and slabbing a ton of sunblock, we went in and divided into our personal little groups, me, wen yun, wei xin and her sister, and yee ming. we went for the amusement rides first, bumping into all the little ones--meaning the form threes and a couple o form ones. it was quite a warm up. i would go to the details, but as usual, too lazy to write. type.

anyway, after going on all the rides, including the pirate ship that went 360 degrees and leave us there, blood rushing to our heads withe the form threes, the roller coaster that dein really have all the stunts like the others but made our heart lurch all the same, and a ton more, we went on the longest suspension bridge in idk where to reach the water park.

they weren't bluffing when they say longest.

anyway, at the water park, we went first, totally dry, to the rides section, the ones with the long long slides, which, btw, made our butt wet. it wasn't terribly exciting, but it made me wet. then being total freaks, we went to the pool and right there, i taught my friends to swim. yes. to swim. went to sunway to learn to swim. ironic, isn't it? but it was fun, and satisfying. you know, there's this kind of weird feeling that you get when you've just made a total hydrophobic girl to learn to swim? even tho it's not really, real swimming? and there wasn't one. there was three.

anyway, after that, we went back to the amusement thingy for the water rides. now, that's what i call thrill rides. there was these big big slides where we came down in a big float and then there was these thing we got on that took us in a sort of river, not river. rapids. we met up with danielle, ruining and cheng siew then and together we went for a few rides, including niagara falls where you fall from a great heght in a ride, straigh into water like you see on tv. there weren't kiddng when they say you will get wet. we went from almost dry to dripping wet. daniell din follow, as she was, you know, that time of the month. but we went from several dry rides as well together, you know, like the buffalo coaster, the really dizzying shoes ride... and so much more...

then we visited the wildlife park after showering, and went for dinner. there were some pretty cool animals ike the wallaby and the cassowori... is that how it's spelt?? i dk...

we went for dinner then, having our fun smashing crabs and dumping things into the steamboat and stuffing ourselves full with all those foods. can't say i'm not satiated. course, that's when the real fun started. to you guys who are reading this, it may not sound like it, but you werent there. we took pictures, takin up weird poses and took pictures of our leaving friend--christine who's going back to brunei. all of those who's on duty on friday, took a sort-of family pic. then we started to do all sorts of crazy things like singing and doing funny faces.

going on the bus, we were even crazier. they wathced IP man 2, but being the movie freak, i wanted to get the real experience, so i skip it and join the gang in playing all sorts of game. we played rock, paper scissors which included slapping each others hands, sang funny songs using chipmunky voices, took photos of different ( and really weird--as in psycho) pics which includes using our ffeet, our hands, fingers and all those stuff. one turned out to be real weird, coz it looked like a part of the male's anatomy. it was real, sincere fun. i know understnad what a friends gathering is really like, and suddenly, i dun feel so left out. we were all the same, enjoying the same things, and feeling the same joy.

i reached home at bout ten, after having the whole bus singing a birthday song for me (which i can't believer they remembered!).. make that three birthday song. one malaysia. i was like, ohmigod. they're saying my name. almost drawn to tears right there and then. it was amazing.

and even tho my legs hurt like hell for walking from 9/10 o'clock to almost 5.30p.m, i feel contented. i feel that, another chapter had been written and sadly, ended in my life, but i could always turn back and look. and yes, i am in total bliss, for again, another year had passed, and i'm now, officially 17, with loads of memories to share, and loads of memories yet to be created.