Thursday, July 30, 2020

I wonder if people feel emotions the same way as everybody does. If one feels certain emotions more intensely than another. 

I've been listening to James Bay a lot more than I should recently. Inadvisable move, I know. My head always tells me something my heart never wants to follow. James Bay's Bad always makes me cry these days. But then again, most things tend to coat me in this thin layer of melancholic not-sadness nowadays. 

I can't stop seeing these deep pools of sadness in me, their surface calm and still, like a mirror, or frozen ice so clear you imagine you can see the bottom of the pool. But the waters are deceptive--one simple mis-step and down I go, all thoughts of resurfacing gone. 

It makes me wonder how other people process their emotions. If they feel this much too. If they can't put words to their feelings, and yet feel like it's overwhelming but not really at the same time. It's this thin coating of grief and despair, not really that overwhelming in intensity, but so all-encompassing that it leaves a coating on everything you touch, or see, or feel. 

I'm okay. Most days, I am. I laugh, I smile, I joke. There's not an ounce of deceit in my joy. 

But when night descends and I'm alone with my thoughts, the sadness covers me like a worn blanket warm and comforting in its familiarity. 

That's usually when my masochistic side rears up and start playing songs that reopens the scabbing wounds that time is so frantically trying to heal. 

I don't even know what it is I'm grieving, or why this tendency to sink deep into melancholy. 

am I grieving the loss of a person?
is it the lack of companionship?
is it losing that magical feeling of being understood?
was it love?

or was it simply lust and jealousy 

Sometimes I wish I'm not self-sufficient enough to not need anybody in my life. I want so badly to have it become a need. But my pride stops myself from lying convincingly to myself.  


It's been more than half a year. You've moved on without me, and I-

I sort of moved on.

Well, if moving on means once in a while I sit in the quiet darkness of my car, in the passenger seat, trying to both remember and forget how it felt to taste your breath, to taste anyone's breath. If it meant feeling completely fine and developing new crushes and then going home and wonder if he's ever gonna make me feel the way you made me feel. If moving on means once in a while I wake up with phantom fingers on my waist with the ghost of warm breaths on my neck.

If moving on means occasionally, in the middle of a conversation, I get hit by the realisation that I'd probably wouldn't ever get that magical feeling of having someone understand and still accept how depraved and terrible I can be, that incomparable feeling of complete unapologeticness and freedom.

So, yes, I guess I sort of moved on.

I've moved forward, away from you. But that doesn't mean I've stopped loving, even though I"m not exactly sure what it is I still love. I suppose I love the feeling of being in love, and being cherished. I moved away from you, but I suspect I moved closer to love. How else do you explain this constant yawning emptiness that yearns to be filled that didn't use to be so prominent?

For someone who doesn't even know what is love, I'm using the word a tad too much.

Perhaps I should just stop wondering so much, and just let things be.