Saturday, January 30, 2010


I see you.

yes. that'll be the sentence of the year. i know it's a bit too soon in the year to say that, but it's really really meaningful. i don't want to spoil the movie, but i just wanna say, james cameron is the greatest director ever.

i see you. i see into you, i see of you, i see onto you. respect, love, trust... there's so much in just one little sentence, and it's only three words. i dunno, but it speaks a lot. look at the movie and you'l understand.

savages. they say the Na'vis are savages. i mean, yes, i see their point--they live in trees, like animals, they communicate mostly with cries and yells. But, like the lyrics "you think i'm an ignorant savage..." the humans are more savage than the Na'vis. they kill, they murder without mercy, they destroy everything. the Na'vis respect the forest, they care and the do not murder without reason, and they definitely do not murder with pleasure. but humans... humans kill for pleasure. so, here's the real question--who is the savage? the Na'vis, or us?

i choose you. there's plenty of love, trust and innocence in this heartwarming movie. the Na'vis trust people so easily, they love, they believe. how i wish i can live in that kind of world, where there are no hate, revenge, spite, or everything of that sort. it's a wonderful thought, yes, but i believe, despite my beliefs that they do exist, i will yet get to live in that world. But i do believe.

avatar. i love the ending. i have thought they wouldn't be together, after all, they are from different worlds. but the ending, it makes this message clear--we are all the same.

we are equals.

Friday, January 29, 2010

photos...grossing you guys out...

here are a few shots we took during the dissection i told you bout. my cousin and i were the surgeons for the day, so you'll see a lot of us.. and the frog... see if you can detect which is the shot with the frog's testicles... ;P

p.s. the pictures' are in chronology form... from bottom up... mind this, kay???

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

frog... frog... FROG?!

twas a sunny monday when i crought a frog to school, heart heaving with the pain of pending separation. sigh, the frog's gonna die today. so long, my dear frog. hope you're not the prince i wanted.

yes. i killed a frog on monday, just because curiosity got the best of me. we dissected a frog, and mutated it beyond the morals of humanity. i know, i tried not to cause it any unnecessary pain, i drugged it until it's small little beating heart stopped beating.

the dissection was one of the biggest attraction i'd plan to attract members for the maths and science club, our club being almost hiding behind the skirts of others for too long. but i have to admit, even if it was cruel, it was a huge success. my club has now officially more than 40 members, better than last time.

i was so hoping it wouldn't feel any pain during the dissection, but halfway throught the dissection, it's heart started beating again. i was so scared, my guilty conscience getting the best of me, but i tried to convince myself, it was purely for educational purposes. my science geek part in me keep telling me that it can't feel a thing, that the beating of the heart is involuntary, but the writer part in me kept making up things... things.

but, looking at the beating heart, it was like a miracle. this little thing just keeps pumping till the end of the frog's life, our heart pumping till the end of our lives. i don't wanna gross you out, but even when we cut out the heart to end the frog's so-called agony, it was still pumping, even though it is no more connected to the body.

i couldn't sleep that night. i prayed for it, but deep in my heart, i knew, there's gonna be a time when i'm forced to do that again.

anyway, if i can get the pictures for the dissection, i would--i repeat-- i WOULD post it here!!! so, don't gross out and tell me waht you think!

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year

and again, we bid goodbye to yet another year.

looking back at 2009, it's been an eventful--if not interesting--year. learning new things, new school stuf that i really don't like, saying goodbye, everything...

i dun really have much to say, but it's kinda sad... the new year is hhere too fast, for all of our sake...i'm 17 now, no more sweet sixteen. coming of age, there's gonna be a lot more responsibilities to come, more burdens to bear, more weight to pull me down to earth, preventing my freedom. it's weird, you know, thinking that after this year, i would be leaving for elsewhere to further my studies, assuming that i CAN further my studies, that is. it's just, after all those years of fantasizing about leaving this town, this country, these people i've come to know, that day's coming soon. frankly, i think everybody fantasizes leaving the confines of their so-called home sweet home. but when that day is right under your nose, only then you'll realise it's really home sweet home.

it's gonna be a frantic year, this i can promise you. we all have to grow up, and be tied to the chains of a routined life.

so, i'm not gonna say HAPPY new year, so, LUCKY NEW YEAR then...