Sunday, February 21, 2010

my first party

i think i'm still living a dream.

it's not actually my party. i kinda hosted it, but it was for another girl...kinda a surprise. but it was real fun. i hoped everyone enjoyed it. they sure seem that. anyway, i'm just writing so that it doesn't like, disappear from my memory.

it was on friday, the 19th of february. i hosted it for priscilla, who you might know as wen yun, whose b'day was on the 22nd. it was still CNY, you see, so it was kinda a CNY/b'day party. my parents went to school to fetch all of them, and of course it was kept a secret from P. i still cant belif she din figure it out. we were being really not subtle about the whole thing. well, whatever. we reached my home and all of them had a really embarassing--for me--tour around my house, pondering on all my childhood/idiotic/embarassing photos.

then we had dinner while my parents left the house( partly to give us our privacy). we had steamboat and were really kinda steamy, especially with all the 38 (sampat) talk, from all of us. wen mei insisted on watching a movie, and ci xin chose sorority row, which had almost everyone freaked out. can you imagine if they had saw SAW or the Omen, or whatever? anyway, i cleared up and then everybody stood by for the surprise--the cake.

P was actually quite--no offense, P, if you're reading---blur about it. she was actually singing the bday song with all the others, until she realized it was for her. i couldn't actually see her xpression, coz we had, as usual, being dramatic and all, turned off the lights. so, there. but she was definitely surprised, and well, i could say, nearly fell off her chair(or sofa). in quite a blur then, coz i can't really remember all that happened, we cut the cake ( yes, we) and took some pictures, which are really 38, and well, the pictures i'm going to post are really those when we are still sober.

then, instead of finishing the movie we started, we headed upstairs to --yep--karaoke!! and i really can't put the scene in words, as you can see, i'm speechless. not by the level of fun, which is really beyond imagination, but the 3838383838383838 things we did. maybe, when i'm outta my mind, i'll post the videos ( yes, someone went ahead and videoed the whole embarassing thin) up here. we atarted by singing our theme song--ah mei ah mei, which stands for wen mei, and suited her perfectly, and i think you can imagine how wild we went over that song. then we reverted to jay chow, eventually to taylor swift and then a few others and retired into my room for games.

for games, we had the sentnece game. first, (of course, at first, no one knew how it went xcept me) we put our names in a box. then any ohter ppl names in another box, whether it's a celeb's name or watever. then, a place , and an action in another. then, we had to draw one from each box and put it in a sentence. for example, Wen Yun and Neyo had a wedding in the storeroom... and Big Beauty (which is wen yi, who had the guts to claim herself so) and Mr Bean took off their clothes in the cupboard in 5sc1... conclusion is, we all had a good laugh. then we had the game MURDER WINK. it was fun, what with all the blur blur cops and the subtle murderers.

then it ended, at about 12.30 a.m. and even so, everybody was reluctant to go back (i'll take that as a sign you guys enjoyed it). and so, the dream ended. the very real dream which actually happend.

there, i really hope we have the chance to do this again before we all go on in our separate ways. this is the meaning of friends, of school, and of friendship. after graduation, well, i guess, we won't have that chace again. i think we all agree that we should have one prom night of our own right after graduation and SPM, right?

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