Friday, September 24, 2010

Pride and Prejudice

Pride, a high sense of one's personal status, leading to judgements of personality or character.

Prejudice, an assumption made without knowing or understanding a person just by looking at their looks, their words, or their clothing.

These two things, combined or not, are dangerous things. It can ruin a person's life at the wrong time at the wrong place. Especially prejudice. When you don't know a person, but deem yourself a fair judge of character, disaster strikes. it is not always the cover that represents the book. yes, somtimes, you read further, maybe even the first chapter, but will it be enough to understand how well the author knows his/her stuff, or how well the person can deliver their ideas, or even how beautiful his/her language is?

the same goes for us pitiful humans. these feelings, judgements, if you would, can cause a person's reputation to nosedive in a spiral, and along with it, ruin his life. many people pride themselves over their so-called ability to judge a person by just looking at a few aspects, maybe their clothing, their words, their actions. but a person is flawed, and that is what makes us human. we make mistakes, we make the wrong decisions. sometimes, we do the wrong things at the wrong time with the wrong actions and words and somehow, we don't realise we're wrong.

or maybe we're just not wrong.

sometimes, it's all a matter of perspective. sometimes you look at it from the right side, sometimes the left. but how in Merlin's name can you be so sure that the other person is looking from the same side as you? how can you be so sure? it is simply not our place to judge a persom by these things. we may mean something, but words are flexible. you can twist it all around and voila, it means something completely different! prejudice simply means that. you look at the person at the wrong place at the wrong time, saying things you have a completely different perspective on, you make a conclusion.

now how does that sound?

this world was never fair---a two-year-old can tell you that. it's not fair that we have to judge people in an instinct for self-preservation. it's not fair that we don't have the opportunity to know everyone on earth so that we can truly know that person's character. But it's the worst when you CHOOSE to judge people for no reason at all apart from the pleasure, or if you would, the sense of superiority. Humans are like that. they all have a green-eyed monster on their backs. they would rather be better than one person rather than be below them. they'd jump at the chance of wiping soot on one's reputation if it means that'll make themselves better. that's human nature. and it's not fair either, when that person, innocent or not, falls prey to these sick twisted games they play.

so stop judging me. i don't care if you're just 17, or 27, i am a person. i am flawed. i am still learning. i can't be perfect. this is me, and this is who i am. i will not say i'm never wrong, sometimes i am. but i would appreciate it of you would just try to look at it in my shoes.

i am not superman, and even if i try my best, i won't be one. i am not the perfect student, and i will never will be. i have flaws~~ i can't study everyday, and i simply cannot sit still and study. and i am not god, nor will i claim to be. i sometimes do wrong things, as humans often do, and sometimes i hurt people without realising.

i'm tired. i'm tired of having to be so cautious, of having to live up to others' expectations. sometimes, i just want to throw it all behind and just be myself. no worries, no watch-before-you-jumps, no chains of obligations, no more constant vigilance. But these are the very things i cannot free myself of, nor can anyone on earth. these are the things that, sadly, makes us more human than ever. we don't have a choice, if we don't want a sad pathetic ending. i know all these. i know life is hard, and there's many things we don't like that we have to face. So, i will endeavour to survive, i would try. but seriously, i can do without these sick assumptions people make.

and right here right now, i'm taking a stand. i'm taking a stand against those who wishes me dead. i'm taking a stand against those who try to ruin me. i have done no wrongs, nor have i conmmited any crimes. I will take my stand, tall and unwavering. I will not apologize, nor would i stand idly aside and watch as i burn under your relentless assumptions. I will not seek revenge either, not in the way you have destroyed me. i will take my stand and wait, waiting for the horrible end you deserve which will be handed out by the justice i know. I will take my stand, in death or sickness alike, and i will take it strong and tall.

you will not have the satisfaction of seeing fear in my eyes, nor would anger appear, for there's only pity i feel for your pathetic soul.

assumptions is a rather gentle word, don't you think so? too soft, too gentle compared to the disaster they wrought. well, i cannot think of a better way to conclude, so i'll just sign off with a simple but true : c'est la vie.

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