Friday, February 10, 2012


They say we aren't meant to be together
They say it's wrong
They say the world wasn't made this way
That it is unnatural

Who are they to tell us what's wrong or what's right?
Who are they to say we're wrong?
Who are they to judge us when all we wanted was to be happy?
Who are they to judge it's unnatural?

People are entitled to find love
What's wrong with finding it in different places?
Humans are different, in names and in faces
Why is this so unnatural?

We're meant for one another, soul and all
We're just born in the wrong places
A tiny mistake, an obstacle,
Is it really that unnatural?

Love should be without barriers
Love exist for everyone at anywhere
But they try to pull us apart, to tear us into pieces
So why are we the ones who's unnatural?

Friends and foes alike, we are just like you
We're just different 'cause Fate made it so
Please don't push us away, don't make it hurt
We are not unnatural. 

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