Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mémoire du passé = 2010 (Part 1)

Yup. Memoire du passe. Memory of the past. with a few more days, the very much eventful year 2010 will be yet another chapter in the book of the past, and a new page will fill itself, as is the norm of life. very much, and yet, painfully less can be said about this year, as points of view changes with time and sometimes it is fated that we view more and maybe less of what we may have needed to view at times.

I'd have to start with the things that mattered the most. fine, you guessed it. SPM (shudders). to people, it may serve as the only purpose throughout this whole year (shudders again). i don't know why, but it seems that this seemingly innocent event can be the cause of so many tragedies in our lives. SPM is the nightmare of all nightmares, the war of all wars, the wound of all wounds, the... well, you get the picture. But out of this--event, not only were many secrets revealed, but friendships re-speculated, intentions re-pondered. under extraordinary duress, many people resort to primitive ways of de-stressing, thus leading to uncomely conduct of behaviour. and due to this, foul epidemic that spreads like wildflowers, many friendships were destroyed, trusts broken, promises ruined. memories that were yet to be created just vanished, as if they'd never meant to be created at all. thus is the ways of humanity, the ugliness of humanity that descends upon us humans under stress, an appalling image that haunts us not only in nightmares, but in the living as well.

OMG. I'd just read back on what i wrote and i sound...i can't really find the word. *shakes head to dispel whatever stray thoughts.* i think I've been reading too many fanfic...*shakes head again*

back to the topic. so I'm just saying that I've witnessed and experienced this unsightly epidemic at the climax of its ramifications, first hand. i myself had been both the victim, and also--sad to admit--the culprit. it's hard to control yourself, harder even to know that you've lost control. you might lash out at a person and then regret it later, although there's no way you could take back those despicable words later. and that regret... i wouldn't wish it upon anyone, not even Voldemort. And i realised, SPM was only the beginning of the beginning. SPM is just the first stop of whatever that causes such appalling display of humanity, or, the worst of it. we lash out, then we lash out, and then we lash out. is this life then? Lashing out and then regretting it? can't really imagine.

but through all of this, there's still hope for us, as it might appear. there are people who understands, who tolerates, and who forgives. these are the ones who truly, is a friend. they listen to your troubles, understand you without words, and where words and advices fail, they offer compassion, companionship to what we are going through. and in my case, I'm incredibly lucky to find, not only one, but a handful of these kinda friends. true, they might not be there ALL the time, but still, they are there. these are the people who created laughter and joy throughout this year, with me, at me, by me. and because of them, we never had a stifling (well, never is a strong word, but you get the idea) moment, and we made it through this year with lots and lots more memories to share and to cherish. (with teachers (pn wee!!) too... as weird as that may sound)

and the greatest victory for me this year? my greatest enemy since Primary 1 (greatest is a strong word, but yeah...yada get the idea) turned out to be one of my bestest friend ever. we communicate without words (and with too many words that sometimes irritate our classmates) and could understand each other perfectly well, as our thoughts are eeriely, tuned together (we think of the same things and the same times, always. JINX!) . as she always said : soulmates, eh? So, right here right now, i grant myself, and her, a little leeway, and give us a chance in her strange way of choosing a soulmate (same sex? not strange? well. *shrugs*) so soulmates, till....(dare i say it?) ... forever.

so with this, i end the summary of this year, in this incredibly, infinitely deserted 'diary' of mine. a memory, kept, till the end of time.

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