Saturday, April 30, 2011

Wedding Royale -- A fairytale?

Yup. Today marks the second day of what is rumored to be the wedding of a century. I know I've been real lazy recently, putting off updating this blog and all my other writing assignments, but it's hard to plant myself in front of the computer these days. I wonder if it is the fanfic, or the subconscious me that fears writing (coz of the long long writing hours when I can't seem to stop).

Anyway, yesterday, 29th of April, marks the Wedding Royale, the royal wedding of the phenomenal Prince William Arthur Philip Louis of England, and his bride to be, Catherine Elizabeth Middleton. It's nice to see that a mere commoner like Kate getting married to a Prince for real. It's like a fairytale come true, and that gives us dreamers a break in the unyielding reality and believe in the existence of fairytales.

It's not just the fairy tale likeness in this wedding that's attracted so much attention, including the envy people *hint me hint* get in their hearts at moments through the wedding. It's just so surreal, and after the Diana-Charles fairy tale fallout last decade, people just want to hope that fairy tales really do exist, and they really do last "happily ever after". Added to the fact that this is Princess Diana's eldest son's marriage, well... you know what they say.

I remember watching this movie, 27 dresses, where the heroine says, "The best thing I love about all the weddings I've been to is that moment when the man turns and catch the first glimpse of the bride, and then smiles like he's the luckiest man in the world." I've never really been to weddings like that before, but this time, having seen it live, it's so wonderful I have to remind myself that this is not an act. It's not a movie. It is real.

I love the tiny parts throughout the wedding that really do make these royalty seemed more like people like us. I mean, yeah, of course I know they're just people like us, but there's always a part of you that keeps them on a certain pedestal, that makes them seem so unattainable, so unreachable, like another world. But seeing those little details, like Prince Harry's reassuring whisper right when Kate came in ("Right. Here she is.") and William's resulting smile, I don't know, it's just what people like us would do, I think. And when Kate reached William's side, and William said, "You look lovely," and both smiled... The attempt at breaking the tension by William, "this was supposed to be just a small family affair,".... And the nervous voices when vows were spoken, the shaking hands when the ring was slid on, the small stolen glances and reassuring words between the newly weds....

I guess it makes everything more... us. There's no more them and us, there's just a happy couple standing right there, getting wed.

Albeit, an uncommon royal/commoner couple, that is.

I couldn't remember what Prince Charles and Princess Diana's wedding was like; I wasn't even born. But i have an inkling of what the crowds might have been then. The crowds yesterday might have been more than just a glimpse of the past, it might have been just the same; double, even.

People might ask, what are these people getting all crazed like, over these two strangers they aren't even acquainted with. But, hey, it isn't just the 'strangers' people all over the world are getting all obsessed over, but it's the idea, the small break in reality. Like I previously mentioned, this is the small occasions in life that makes life almost...tolerable. The suggestion that Fairy Tales might have made an appearance in real life. "You can say I'm a dreamer," but hey, who isn't? The moment when the prince and his bride turned and looked at each other, we're transported back into Disney's various animated works : Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty.... I guess that is the reason why people flock over to witness the wedding.

Of course, Prince William being the handsome git that he is, might contribute to that.

And then we proceed to the most waited-for part. The kiss.

Yeah, I've heard various comments like, It was so brief, That was so fast!, it doesn't even look good....

Well, to me, it's good enough. Hey, we've got to keep in mind, these are real people we're talking about. Not actors and actresses acting out a scene in a movie that many of us are used to. And they did it twice! In public! That's good enough for me. It's supposed to be private, these things, and yet, they are doing it for the sake of the entertainment for people all over the globe.

And what caught my attention the most?

The blush that covered both the newly weds cheeks. After the second significantly longer kiss (the first was merely a peck), both the newly weds' faces went from pink to scarlet, even with the bride's make up on. Prince William's face was significantly red. XD I love the moment before they kissed, actually. William was turning to Kate and smiling somewhat bashfully, and then asking, "Are you ready? You ready? Shall we kiss?" and after the first kiss, he turned and asked again, "One more kiss?"


It was all very far-away, unattainable, really. But this girl had done it, and it gives us hope; all of us. Hope's very much like despair, it's very contagious.

Well, another element is the dress. Ooh, ouch. What a dress! Designed by Alexander (Alexandra?) McQueen, and inserted with a few ideas from Kate herself, it was really what I dream of. Simple, Elegant, not too Over the top, it brought out the figure of Kate wonderfully, and gave her an air of elegance which i'm so very envious of. I don't really think I can pull off elegant, and I so adore it. *sigh* I wonder if this dress could be lent to me for just a while....

All in all, a wedding worth the attention it got. I wonder how it is like for Kate, and William as well. I mean, when Kate came out to the balcony, she was like "oh wow!"... It must be a great deal of change for her. I mean, I guess it's not what we always think it is. There must be lots of cameras following your every sneeze and step, and also a huge lump of guards trailing you... A sudden change in her life, instead of an easing change, or like William, born into it... It must be awesome and frustrating at the same time.

A normal small-family-affair wedding is scary enough. A huge global wedding-of-the-century wedding should be enough to scare away a herd of gladiators. Huh, well, I guess love grants courage, for a look in the eyes of your lover drags you through the scrutiny of over 20 billion people and the huge butterflies in the tummy. Kate, you ought to be a Gryffindor. :)

And with that, I witnessed history being made, and a real life Fairy Tale.

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