Sunday, June 2, 2013

Midnight Ambush

All sixes for my 6.6. I love sixes now. 666666

Surprised. Shocked. Flabbergasted. Astonished. Caught totally unaware. Completely bowled over.

Ambushed. At Midnight. Four days before my birthday. By none other than those three devious housemates of mine.

Well, to be fair, sometimes I’m even more devious (evil?) than them, but that’s another story for later. =P

The guilty headphones.
Right, it's not gigantuous,
but the quality of the sound's awesome.
It was four days before my birthday. And we had a rather major paper on Monday, Tuesday, and for some of us, Wednesday! Three days worth of nightmares! I’d assumed we wouldn’t celebrate it (ngeh. I wouldn’t have mind. Not really that big a fan of birthdays.) Or that if we would, maybe after the huge obstacles are over.

But no. They had to prove me wrong.

I really should’ve paid more attention to what they were doing. After all, I did catch them talking at low voices behind me, but then again, they could be discussing exam questions for all I know! With my huge headphones cutting me off from the rest of the world, they could be discussing murdering all the roaming cats here and dumping it on my bed and I wouldn’t have had the slightest idea.

Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating a little, but really. I really had no idea whatsoever.

Le Much Loathed Durian Cake
So, when the door was opened at midnight, and the lights switched off, and the two HUGE candles floated in through the door, I was momentarily speechless. They started singing the birthday song, and I was going OMG (and something else, but I wouldn’t say what =P) all the way through.

And the greatest thing ever was, they bought THE loathed durian cake from Secret Recipe which was my absolute favourite! (well, one of my favourites anyway. Geminis. *sighs*) And Beatrice, who couldn’t stand the smell of durian (as in, she wouldn’t even breathe when the awesome durian smell wafts over) prepared the cake, stood outside the door and waited for the other two fellow masterminds in the house to let her in.

Brave one, that one is.

I didn’t even know it was durian cake until she told me she literally couldn’t breathe. HA!
Le Me and my Mao-Tze-Tung hairstyle
Awe-when-I discovered Durian Cake

And then they started to whip out phone cameras (well, MY phone camera) and do what they do with cameras. It had been unbearably hot, I had thrown on a, well, let’s just say I wouldn’t walk out of the house wearing … that; my hair wrestled into a incredibly unique Mao-Tze-Tung style which left my forehead shining like a perfectly boiled egg; and eyes baggier than Dudley Dursley’s dreadful hand-me-down denims.

I mean, Cameras + those? Ouch. Sore eyes.

At least they let me change into something decent. *whew*

Photo-taking was fun. We were all sporting dark panda eyes and heavy eyebags thanks to the A Levels, and our house wasn’t really as neat as usual. (Neat in the “as usual” sense doesn’t really mean it’s neat though. =S Maybe just a tad less disorganised.)

I couldn’t thank you guys enough. Seriously. The first time I’ve been away from my family for my birthday (yes, first) but you’ve made me feel l like I’m among family members. Thanks, for the pretty awesome ambush in the middle of the night. =) 
p.s. Thanks also, for ‘letting’ me finish that piece of cake by myself. Durian rules! XD
Candle no taste good. 

Camera quality wasn't that good, but our friendship makes up for it, eh? 10 years on my right, 14 on my left. Our friendship is almost our whole life. =)

Ignore the artistic mess please around the house. We're just expressing our artistic souls. XD 
Perhaps we'll get the chance to do this again. I know, I know, the rest of your birthdays are in December, which means if everything goes according to plan I probably won't be here to do this again with all of you. This year, at least. But there's still lotsa things to celebrate. The end of A Levels perhaps? Graduation?

Or we can wait till all of us are back in Malaysia for a huge reunion. =P That's kinda far away, ain't it?

I really really hope we can keep in touch. But knowing myself.... ARGH. I can't think that way. I'll have to try, at least.

I will try. Promise. *bites nails*

We will keep in touch, won't we?

Sixes again! Matching Tees too! Purple's the colour this year.
Le Cake can't take any more photographing. It's too tired it needs to lay down.

1 comment:

温迪 said...

Happy birthday!!! ^^

Although can't celebrate with you but still, hope you have a great one. :)