Thursday, June 6, 2013

And I Had the Best Day, With You, Today.

My very first post as a 20 year old. Welcome to the twenties, they're saying.
I love cotton candies. before they harden, anyway.
And they're so fluffy and cute!!!

Oh well. Age's only a number, as a friend so kindly told me.

What's important is the heart.

And the things you have, the people you've met, the events you'd experienced, and all the good and bad things in life.

Ahh. Birthdays.Stuff made of clouds and cotton candy and an extra dose of amazing.

To be frank, I'd never been a real fan of birthdays. No no no, don't roll your eyes at me. Really. I mean, everyone's got one, and it's not like you get to choose your birthday. It's just... a birthday. I didn't really get it. What's the big deal?

But now I think I got it. Why people love birthdays so much. Why birthdays are such huge events. It's the day you're born. The day you're given a chance at creating your own world. It's like writing a story, or designing a building, or directing a film, and watching it come to life. But it's better, because you get to live your creation.

Thanks mom, dad, for giving me a birthday. =P I'd probably made your heads ache since I'd been born. Teehee.

Plus, it doesn't hurt when you get to be the queen on your birthday. =P I swear, you get so pampered and spoilt and waited upon like the cuter version of Cinderella's stepsister.

Cuter version of ze stepsista
But today?

Wow. That's the only word that comes to mind. I haven't had a birthday so ... so celebrated. I swear, I've put on kilos of sweet memories and fatty love these few days.  :P it's like I have not a birthday, but a birth...week? LOL.

My god. All of the celebrations. All those wishes. Surprise Midnight Attack, McDonald's Ambush, Messages/Notifications-Tsunamis, Photos-bomb, Huge Meat Fiesta, Unexpected Gift....

First came my housemates Midnight Attack. I swear, those three are war-seasoned spies with all those 'war' strategies and sneaking around they come up with. :P Then came the second wave where they recruited another two dear friends into their ranks. Even though I'd suspected something the moment we stepped through the doors of McDonalds'. Since when do we book seats before ordering when the shop's...empty? MUAHAHAHA.

But then I'd wrote the feeling off as "thinking too much" and ended up being...ambushed.

All things aside, damn it all, I was genuinely surprised, and I didn't know how to react besides hiding my face in my hands. As much of my face that my hands can hide, I mean. *holds up tiny hands and sighs*

making wishes for the...second time?
bit greedy now, don't you think?
What to do, too many cakes d. XD
One of the Recruits. XD My very pro Physics tutor :P I swear, sometimes I get so jealous of him. Sighs.
The strategists. Liars, if you ask me. LIARSSS. But good-friendly-awesome liars. XD

And then today. Woke up rather late (Bed loves me too much) and went on an outing with my Troop (as they call themselves; sighs. Thank you Chemistry Lecturer for labeling us.) with no idea how awesome the day could turn out to be. Even had two funnily serious guys along for the trip. :P We had  trouble choosing places to eat at first, but then ended up in this German restaurant, Brotzeit.

Meat Platter. Super Yum.

There was this table full of aged ladies behind us, and we were joking about how we'd end up years later just like them. We'd (well, they, not me) even match each one of us with them. It was kinda fun, imagining us lasting that long, through the years. It'll be awesome, don't cha think?

Camwhoring before the meal comes. Me and ze legendary Hannah. 
Cindy CHAI and nanana joining the camwhoring troop. :P

moldy and the troop. +2. as dubbed by our chemistry lecturer.

This girl was supposed to celebrate her birthday with me. :( But she left me to ze mortification alone. :(

When it was time to sing THE song, I was mortified. Why? Because the waiters had gather round and sang (LOUDLY) with us. One of the waiters (was he the one who was dubbed Taylor Lautner by dear Rebecca?) even got a straw and made me blow the candles through it. Thoroughly. Mortified.

Me and the free dessert from Brotzeit!
Credits to Waiyi, who managed to capture all the weird expressions I have. 

But what's really mindblowing is that, after we'd sang the song, the ladies behind us began to sing too! And they were celebrating the yellow-bloused lady's birthday, whom they'd associated with me! Even her name sounded almost the same as Moldy. *Mindblowing*

We even met the two awesome, aliens(?) from Monsters' University!

Mike, and Sully, and us!

I have no idea who that is behind us. LOL
And when I got home, finally winding down by commenting on random photos posted on Facebook, I got another surprise.

thanks Blockmates Shuning and Chingyee for this awesome creampuff! I had fun making cream mustaches. XD

Wow. I was so surprised I didn't know how to react. Thanks. Really. Thanks. I don't know what else to say but thanks thanks thanks.

And that goes to all these important people in my life.

20 years.

So genuinely surprised, and subsequently touched by all the people who cared enough for me to plan all these stuff, all the efforts, all the thoughts that went into this whole thing.

It makes me wanna cry. It makes me realise that even though I haven't any major accomplishments or big steps towards my dream or what-nots in my life so far, I already have so many friends and family. These important people in my life, people who love me, care about me, and people I didn't know was that important to me.

I guess I did pretty okay for twenty years so far, with a little bit of help from these people. After all, the sense of belonging can be pretty awesome, and I'd found it with them.

Life'd be pretty boring without them.

And I guess that--having a bunch of awesome people with you-- that's the greatest achievement one can ever ^^

Thanks, for being in my life.

Thanks, for making my entrance into the twenties the best one can ever have.

And Thanks, simply for being there.

"I get by with a little help from my friends.
 I get high with a little help from my friends.
 Going to try with a little help from my friends."
~ The Beatles

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