Wednesday, January 4, 2017

New Year Resolutions

1. I vow to stick to there resolutions. Yeah, right, good luck with that
2. Study. Not fanfiction. Not novels. Study Medicine-Related Stuff. But Drakeypoo is so adorbs how can you not? 
3. Pick up after myself, EVERY TIME And stop losing pens.
4.  Stop fangirling over fictional or unattainable men/boys. HOW?! Maybe if you'll STOP making fabulous men/boys!
5. Only 2 Cheat Days allowed per week!! That means no more munching on Oreos secretly in the room every night. 
6. 10,000 steps! Can I do em horizontally, preferably on a bed? With me in REM sleep?
7.Do laundry on time, i.e. every week. No more space in room to pile clothes, no more space in room to pile clothes. 
8. Don't lose contact with your friends. But sometimes I just don't feel like talking. Or typing in a phone. Or exist. 
9.  Be content being single. I am content. Most of the time. Sometimes. When I'm in a good mood. Or  asleep. 
10. Find yourself. And don't lose yourself along the way. <3  

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