Monday, December 28, 2009

my sister's keeper

it's official now. I Hate Jodi Picoult. As much as i love her.

i mean, come on.

My sister's keeper was one of the few books i read ater watching the movie. i must say, the movie is really great, as in a-bucket-o'-tears great. it was really acceptable, really heartwarming. but when i went to the book, i got a shock. it wasn't great.

it was MORE than that.

ok, i know i exaggerate a lot, but really, this is one of the weird circumstances where i'm NOT actually exaggerating. the book begins with Anna's point of view. i must say, this Anna character has a way to say things that seemed insignificant at first, but when you look back at it, it meant a lot. i'd never wonder how babies were born, it's why babies are born. or something like that. when yu get to the middle part of the book, that particular sentnece, statement, whatever, makes more than a lot of sense.

for this first time, i actually prefer the movie to the book. the movie offers much more hope, it lights up with the ending. but the book? i mean, it's not really hopeless, but it's sad hope. sad sad sad hopes. i mean, yeah, it's the book title, the sister's supposed to keep the sister safe, and that's why she was born. but that doesn't mean she's not human. she feels, she thinks. but in the book, that doesn't count. that's what she is, just a sister's keeper.

the book's kinda sad. hell, it's tragic. i mean, sometimes, really, you've gotta just acept fate as it is. easier said than done, i know. but, compared to the book, i'd prefer the movie's ending. after all, it's fate. it's already been decided, as far as decided goes. the sick leaves, the healthy goes on with their life. it's... understandable. but the book?! gosh it has to make the healthy, the innocent, the kind ones die off and let the destined-to-die one live on. worse, it concludes the thing with this--i guess someone has to go, but she'd gone in my place. or something like it. i'm kinda lazy to refer to the book right now. why does this Picoult lady always HAVE to make the innocent suffer from the mistakes of the adults, the ones that think they know what's best?

i kinda feel that it connects to al of us. one thing that's obvious is to accept fate, and let go when it's time to let go. it doesn't go anywhere if you're obsessed on changing fate. sometimes, it's just, fate. destiny.

another thing, which i know most teens agress with me, and most adults don't, but come on, sometimes adults don't know what's best. like in the book. Sara keeps thinking that saving Kate is the right thing for the whole family to do, but look where they ended up. Anna died trying to free Kate from her mother mistake. sometimes, we might be wrong. sometimes, we can't know everything. and sometimes, we just gotta, you know, listen. Adults can be wrong, they might not know what's best for us. after all, it's their first time as an adult. but i'm not saying that we shouldn't listen to them AT ALL. after all, they've been in this world longer, they've seen much more than us, and --i have to admit-- sometimes, they know beter. but that doesn't mean that they know everything. sometimes they think they know, but they don't. they can't know everything that's rolling in our minds, and sometimes, when they're wrong, we must tell them, and hope that they'll listen.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

the last thing i needed on earth

a cute guy in my head who refuses to go out. who happens to be the guy i once had a crush on (isn't that weird? i had many crushes, but none of them stick, coz i don reli know them) when he was in Hannah montana---LUCAS TILL!!!! i'm sure you guys remember him.

i know, i's a bit late for this video, but actually, i'm no big fan of videos, so, it's considered a big thing if these videos made it to my eyes. so here is a medley of viva la vidaand love story featuring piano, cello and a drum which i love a lot!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Rereading Harry Potter : RE

i went to quite sometime ago... and i stumbled across this story written by one of the fans... it was, touching, so touching that i cursed JKRowling for making such a tragic character--snape. i dunno why, but when i read the last chapter, i cried...(more like sobbed) i really dunno why the book didn have this effect on me, but this story really had a great impact on me. anyway, there's two sides to the fan fic--harry's point of view and snape's point of view. i read snape's first, and then harry's, and it made me cry during reading the harry's POV. i dunno, i mean, having known the story, i read it from harry's view, and all the things dumbldore said to harry about just sorta clicked together.... anyway, not to bore you further, as someone beside me is hinting, here's the link to the story from Snape's's right after the sectumsempra...tissue box ready for the next, kay???

and here's the link to Harry's POV--

Snape is such a poor charcter...i mean, right after i finish both the POV, i went ahead and read the death of snape, which left me sniffing and sobbing and ...well, you know the rest....

Thursday, December 3, 2009














14.不是不死心, 是死不了心。


16.我允许你走进我的世界,但不许你在我的世界里走来走去(我认为--还是走进走出较恰当啦…… )



Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Rereading Harry Potter (more like reskimming)

after watching the sixth harry potter movie, which, surprisingly, wasn't really that boring, i launched into the Order of Pheonix, Half-blood Prince and Deathly Hallows. actually, i'd only started to read Deathly Hallows last night, at approximately 12a.m. It was ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC. Sheer pleasure.

well, i dunno, but rereading the Deathly Hallows with the ending and explanations already implanted in my head really throw things into proportions. The first time i read the book, it was during the hols and i had a sleepless night, all night up reading the book like i did breaking dawn. the first time,it was really cool, awesome and really adventurous. as for some of the parts, i din't cry much--practically didn't--but it wasn't that sad at the time. i mean, there was really too much adventure and expalnations waiting, and curiousity got the best of me--like it always have-- and i just sort of flipped through them without much thought of what happened.

but Reading it again?

it threw much more back into proportion. i cried through so many places, i didn't think possible. i cried when hedwig died, cursing Rowling for making her die. Rowling claimed that it was necessary to signify the loss of dependance on some old part of Harry, to signify the growth of harry. And that idiot Rufus scrimgeour dying to save Harry? Dobby and allthe others, Fred, Tonks, Lupin. I don't understand why Tonks, Lupin, Fred, or even Colin creevey had to die? I mean, Fred and George were practically sharing one soul... and tonks and lupin? they just had a child! and now that child was gonna go through almost everything Harry had to. WHY?

but the most touching story of all--SEVERUS SNAPE. after all those years, after all OUR doubts, he turned out to be good. all those things he went through. he was the most tragic person in the whole story. It wasn't his fault that he was brought up to think of Muggles as Mudbloods. he even surprised himself by falling in love with one--Lily. and oh, at so young an age. it wasn't HIS fault that he was sorted into slytherin, wasn't his fault that he hanged out with those bad influences.i mean, they ARE slytherins, after all. who else was he supposed to hang out with? BUt the only thing he did wrong was passing the info to Voldemort, who then proceeded to kill the potters. i can imagine how heartbroken Snape is, so Heartbroken that he tok up the most dangerous job--A spy for Dumbledore. His love was so powerful that he risk everything to protect the son of his lover, even tho harry was a spitting image of James. So powerful that he created the impression of an evil person in other people's minds, never bothering to reveal what he had done for them, for the whole of hogwarts and the magical world. He was such a kind-hearted person, and to quote Dumbledore--"I think we sorted too soon." Snape wasn't MEANT to be in Slytherin; he deserved better. but it's a relief he died, even tho he shudn't, but what's the point of living, when both his purposes to live are achieved? he died loved, looking into the eyes of the one he loved most--Lily potter. it is the love story of the century.

and to quote Harry, "Does it hurt?" yes, the questions that lurk in all of our minds, Death and its mysteries. when Dumbledore said Harry had nothing to fear than Voldemort, i didn't get it the first time. now, reading it for the umpteenth time, it dawned on me. Dumbledore was talking about the mysteries of death, the mysteries that Harry had uncovered. i think the nicest thing in the seventh book was how Harry got to see his parents and Sirius and Lupin again. Padfoot, Prongs and Moony, reuninted. i think it meant a lot to Harry; it sure meant a lot to me. Imagine, a seventeen embracing death, something even Dumbledore couldn't until his last few months, Harry did it within mere minutes, just becoz it was the right thing to do. And when Harry asked the question, whether it'd hurt, i broke into sobs. i dunno why, it just seems appropriate. He apologized to Lupin for takin his son away, becoz of him, and when Rowling described Sirius as tall and handsome, Lupin and james and Lily, i dunno, i sorta broke down. it wasn't appropriate for so many to die for him, no matter how necessary. i feel sorry for Harry, for Lupin, for Snape, even, for all the things they'd missed out, and for all the things they would never have. it wasn't exactly a good thing Harry chose to come back. i mean, all the things he ever wanted was right there, on the end of a station. it was a very difficult decision, leaving all those he deemed precious--Dumbledore, Sirius, Lupin, his parents--behind and going back. but of course, being Dumbledore's man through and through, he was known to do the right thing always, no matter how hard. that's a lesson Rowling hammered in pretty hard.

rereading Harry Potter had made me think from a point i'd never had. We have a perfect family, if compared to Harry, and yet, as Harry struggles with him missing his parents and wanting to meet them, we are complaining how we'd like our parents to leave us alone. while Harry loses almost all that he is dear of--sirius, Lupin, dobby, even-- and he copes with it, we are here grumbling about too many troublesome realatives to look after. While Harry, Ron and Hermione fight desperately for not only thmselves, but also for the whole world,we are here, thinking that someone will improve the world for us, not wanting to make a move becoz life for US are too hectic and stuff. and while seventeen year ole Harry accepts Death as a part of his life, and embraces it, we are here, complaining, grumbling about how life is too short, afraid of what Death has to offer. you see, humans are afraid of forever, no matter what they claim, and the only thing that's forever in this world is the forever parting that comes with the Death package.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Life ain't fair, but there's always a way through it

i went to Liu Yong's (刘墉)talk yesterday and it was simply fantastic. it gave me a lotta to think about. he talked about life, mainly, but there were a lotta things that he said that made me think.

Among those things, it was the thing about life being unfair that caught my attention. he said, there's a lotta unfairness in this life, so many that many may be lost in it. (pretty much what I said, only in a more polite way...) But, the most important thing is that we shouldn't let those unfair things that happened to us happen to others. we musn't treat others unfairly when we are in the position to do so, be it consciously or not.

we musn't lose ourselves in all these prejudices of the world. let them pass, let them go, but learn from them. we musn't cling onto that tiny thread of unjust and blame the world for the unreasonable things that happen; instead, we should learn from them and improve ourselves. we shouldn't look at only the unfair, what about the times when things were at your side? did you complain? did you say "Oh, it's just fair, coz..."

it got me thinking about all the times i would blame others for the unreasonable things that happened to me. for example, being pulled into a competition that i don't want. i may complain it's wasting my time, but, in the future, that piece of knowledge, however little, may come in handy. take my social life for instant. i used to be that geek who's considered too proud or brainy to be with. I may balme them for not knowing me before making a conclusion, i may write bad things (understatement of the year) about them in my blog, but have i ever thought about what I'd done to give them that impression? knowing that, i took the effort to improve my image, and now, i am happy to say that thigs are gradually improving for my social life. ( even thought sometimes, they're still a pain in the ass)

He said a lotta things, and i know you guys aren't interested, coz i'd said it in such a boring and tiny way, so, i'm not gonna bore you any further. hmph. just to let you know. coz it really changed my way of thinking, even a little. (even though i dunno how long it's gonna last...)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

C'est la vie...

I can't possibly say more about my life. it's a total mess, an irritating mess and also, the most wonderful thing.

What?! don't look so, well, apprehensive. it's true!

well, take this for example. just yesterday, i've had a shit day, the shittiest one. i mean, i've just finished my exams, and -- of course -- i started to read & watch movies. but upon getting my results the next day -- yeah, all of them in one go -- i've had my ears nagged off about how you should not lose your momentum in studyiing and you should start studying and stuff like that. youknow, that totally blew my head off. so i locked myself off in my room and had my room booming with all the drums and electronic guitars, a.k.a Avril Lavigne. she's really like a good cure for you pent-up anger. that continued until eleven at night.

today, on the other hand, was a hectic, fun and stressful day. you see, it's 11-11-09 today, and tomorrow, 12-11-09, is going to be the competition of our science show!!! ( and also the premiers of 2012) so, me and my two friends spent the whole day (a.k.a. from 7.30a.m.8.30p.m) working on the project and i fee like slamming myself into my sweet warm bed right now. but it's also fun. you see, we were working magic. and of course, they were kinda nice friends to be around with, you know, comfortable, funny, and we keep on 'jinx'ing one another. it's really fun. of course, some of it had to do with me getting the third of the class. not that it;'s up to my standards (like someone claimed) but it's just that my position rose from the fifth/sixth to the third just because of my english marks. kinda a surprise, though my english marks are a lil, ahem, you know...

so, you know, i gotta take a rest from all my 'message in a bottle' stuff, and keep my head in the science project. so, after tomorrow, it's truly liberation, tho it's a lil sad the science thingy has to end. not that i'm complaining. i mean, the science lab is creepy. and since it's the chemistry lab, it's kinda deirty, and you have to make sure you don't accidentally taste sth toxic, or touch sth corrosive.

so, we'll meet for new moon!!!!! all for one, and all for one. just the one and only new moon.

Monday, November 9, 2009


my god. after three weeks of constant suffering, torturing, and endless tormen, i'm FREE!!!

well, may be it isn tat bad, but hey, exams are always that bad to us teenagers!!!!

so, i'm just gonna start plannin my hols. no idea what i'm gonna do, but it's gotta involve books, movies and music. lots and lots and lots of em.

so, how's new moon goin on?! i neeeeeedddd a reply! ASAP!!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


there's been a lot of bitches in my life recently. i can't really say "butt out of my life" to them, so i'm saying them here. this is MY life, so just BUTT OUT.

anyway, this is not the reason i'm writing (since that i'm doin this rarely). i'm talkin about the movie 2012. 2012 may be the end of thw world for us. what are we going to do? i'll only be 19...

no matter we're fat or thin , ugly, beautiful, rich poor, smart or stupid, we are all going to die on the same day, so i just wanna say, look at all those who are around you, try to love them--i know it's real hard. on second thought, just forget the bitches. but there's one thing in the world that you should really appreciate before they are gone, washed away by the end, and that's friends and family. try to understand them, try to love them, see things from their point of view, look at them like that is the last time. ask yourself, what if that are the last words i said to them? can you let them die with those words in their hearts?

i know, i'm being dramatic, but just tell yourself this--

you'll never know how much time you have left.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

secret love

you're standing in the crowd
surrounded by all those girls
who think they're all that
and they're screaming your name

i stand right here
looking at my baggy jeans
and think
hey, you might never ever notice me
i spent the morning in front of your picture
thinking, maybe you belong with me
but you don even know i exist
so this might all be just a

just a secret love
and i'm so stupid to actually believe
that your place is right next to me
and all the fame
and all the stilleto heels
and now i know
it will all be just a secret love

all around the world
that you deserve better
and i
never thought that my little secret dream
would be known to the world

but you were cool
you told me i'm nice
and i couldn't help but to spill it all out
and you put your hand to my face
and told me that
this was also your

just a secret love
and you never actually believe
that your place is right next to me
and all the books
and all the baggy jeans
and now i know
it's not just a secret love
this is my first attempt at a song's lyrics. what do you guys think about it? it's about... well, look through it and tell me what it's about..

p.s the pictures are for paragraphing sake, coz sth happened and i can't paragraph. absolutely nth to do with the lyrics. or me. or zac. or whatever you guys might think.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

15 Malaysia

fifteen Malaysia, a must watch. fifteen short stories about Malaysia, and all the colour problems surfaces... We are One Malaysia, We share one dream; don't let the old thinking rule out our instincts--to be a united nation. we share the same skin colour actually, if you really compare...

Yasmin Ahmad did a great job with Chocolate... it's a must see...and remember to read the comments, epecially the one which someone named "wei ling" if you don't understand...more later...i'm kinda busy....


Friday, July 17, 2009

three thousand years

yellow, orange, green, pink and blue
brilliant hues of colours
streak across the sky
forests, mountains and gushes of rivers and streams
in comparison
the mountain of sorrow
of guilt
and misunderstanding
will stay right here
next to me
inside me
the nightsky
shedding tears of moonlight
blinking unspeakable grief
our story
milleniums ago----
you stood here
amidst the flowers
and i
by your side
nothing felt so perfect
until the arrow
and the ringing clash of
sword against sword
as the tears of moonlight
you lay on the bed
of red grass
promising me
with a smile
"I'll wait for you."
and now,
i'm waiting
beneath the same moonlight
on the bed of grass
no longer stained by your soul
my tears
our memories
all that remains
is the story
three million years ago
and i'm

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Smile, even though you heart is aching...

This year haven been exactly a perfect year. on second thought, when was a year perfect? but this year, millions of people, all around the world raised their voices as one, and sang in loving memory for the late king of pop. Among these millions and billions of people, stood me. i know i'm not really a fan of his, nor am i very particular about his actions, but like everybody else, i am affected by the grief, the sadness and the hurt when death is around.

"I just want to say ever since I was born, daddy has been the best father you can ever imagine, and I just wanted to say I love him so much,"
i don't blame the Jacksons for letting Paris express grief, and so heartbreakingly. it was only natural that a daughter might want to express her feelings for a father who had gone too soon. given the choice, would u have wanted the choice? would you rather miss out on saying the last words in front of your dad for the last time? no matter how sudden, how tragic, or even how expected the death of a loved one is, it always hurt. it'll always stab you in the heart and leave a huge bleeding hole, constantly sending pricks and pins into your throat, and that hole, the huge gaping hole, would have to wait until time heals it, but never completely. would you rather have a child swallow all her grief and bear it quietly, waiting for time to heal an eternity of sadness and loss? maybe you don't know this, but it always help when there is someone to listen. it always help when you can let your emotion out, and there is no better way to heal a broken soul.

In the memorial service of Michael, a lotta great things were said about him. his life were accounted again in a way that there was no way to doubt this King's ability, his ability to bring the whole world--breaking race, colours, religion barriers--together, creating a new world where all are one, and one is all. In his songs, we are all equals, and together "We are the world". "there is nothing we can't do if we raise our voices as one." "They say the sky is the limit, and for me, that is true." and now finally, our beloved King of Pop had found his neverland.

"I am here now, and i am here forever."
we all came to know and love MJ, and when he danced and sang, he brought joy into our lifes. and whilst we're celebrating his life, we must all remember, that he is never really gone, because when we remember him, he'll live to eternity. This isn't just a memorial, nor is it just a tribute. This is a moment of remembrance, a moment of love, and a moment of eternity.

"Somehow, when Michael Jackson sang and dances, you never felt distant. you felt that, you believed in him, and he believed in you."
"He enchanted us with his passion and compassion, and when he sang our songs ... and dance on the moon... but when he left, he left us feeling achingly alone. Piercingly, alone."
"We had him. Beautiful, delighting our eyes... . He gave us all he had been given... . We are missing Michael Jackson. But we do know, we had him - and we are the world."

Fighting back tears, Brooke Shields recounts how she and Michael - who were oft labeled an "odd couple" when photographed out together as kids - enjoyed "the most natural and easiest of friendships." Having grown up in the spotlight, she says, "[We] needed to be adults very early. But when we were together, we were two little kids having fun." her speech offers an illuminating glimpse inside the lives of two rising stars who helped each other embrace their inner child and all their fun and weird times, and Jackson's eccentric fashion sense. "If you're going to hold my hand it had better be the non-gloved one because sequins really hurt me," she says.
"All our hearts are aching, but we need to look up there, and know that he is perched somewhere below the crescent moon, and smile."

"Sure, there were some sad times and questionable decisions on his part, but Michael Jackson accomplished everything he dreamed of"
"I think simply he is the greatest entertainer that ever lived,"

"Never Dreamed You'd Leave in Summer--"I never dreamed you'd leave in summer,I thought you would go then come back home,I thought the cold would leave by summer,But my quiet nights will be spent alone. Michael, why didn't you stay?"

"In our darkest hour, in my deepest despair, will you still care? Will you be there?In my trials, and my tribulations, through our doubts, and frustrations, In my violence, in my turbulence, through my fear, and my confessionsIn my anguish and my pain, through my joy and my sorrow, in the promise of another tomorrowI'll never let you part, for you're always in my heart"

we remember the King of Pop, and we know we are the world.