Friday, December 30, 2011

Eragon vs Roran : Showdown Throwdown

I know I know. Seriously random and seriously off topic. But I'm seriously obsessed. Ask my sister. She'd witness my random shouting and cheers for Roran and Eragon to "kill that bloody bastard" and "cut off his stupid head!".


I know I need counseling, but whatever.

I remember reading Eldest wayyyyy back, and I remember skipping all the Roran part, eager for more Eragon-Saphira-Oromis-Glaedr action. I remember Roran as the weird, in love, do-anything-to-bring-her-back cousin who's there to interrupt Eragon's story and I remember hating it.

What I didn't remember was how completely, mindblowingly cool Roran was! As my classmates (and me, sometimes) would say, SAT.

And I don't mean the weird exam every kid in the USA gotta take.

I don't know why I haven't notice him before this. maybe I was too caught up in the untouchable, otherworldly Eragon who's an elf-like Dragon Rider and  magician to boot. I remember hailing Eragon as the hero and the best character in the story, and his epic romance with Arya made it even more enticing.

But as I reread the story like a month ago, and finally caught up with my peers in the final book like today, I find that my past opinions have changed.

When rereading Eldest for like the umpteenth time a few weeks ago, I didn't skipped Roran's part like I used to, even though I was in the middle of the finding-back-a-lost-passion-and-it's-damn-hard-to-keep-reading phase. I didn't skip it.

And then I found out I don't want to skip it.

I was hanging on to Roran's every word and every action, his every thought from the moment he started his speech in Carvahall. I was pulled in. And then in came Brisingr and then Inheritance. With every chapter and every book I became more and more caught up with his intellect, his capacity for the unthinkable, to go where no one has ever thought to go.

I guess people change as they grow.

When I first met Eragon, I was thirteen (or was i\t fourteen?) and entirely engrossed with awesome characters who does things no one can ever imagine to do because they're not human. Or stuff like that. That was what Eragon was to me, i guess. Something I--and the rest of us--could never even think to be. I guess I was in that dream where I was still... dreaming.

But now...

Roran is more admirable, much more than Eragon. I don't know why; it just is. Roran is loyal, he's brave, he'd do anything when it comes to Katrina. He's cunning, he's got a great sly mind, and he dares the unthinkable. I think that's what draws me in the most. He goes where no one else goes, he thinks what others dare not even think.

Unlike Eragon, who's a little too straight forward and naive, in my soon-to-be-nineteen opinion.

How people change.

Sighs. I guess this is another sign I'm not who I used to be. I hope I don't change much, though. I'd really like to be the old me, the hopeless romantic, the one who didn't worry that much about appearances and friends and betrayals and growing up. The one who didn't mind that much about life.

But I guess we can't afford that. Not when you're going to learn what's it's like to be on your own two feet and relatively alone in life.

Sad, eh?

Why do I always end up with that topic? I was talking about Eragon--and Roran-- for goodness' sake.

I'd better stop before I go into all those life and death and the end of the world.

Tata, for now.

P.s. Team Roran!!!! And Team... Severus? Man, am I confused.

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