Friday, November 29, 2013

As The Weather Chills

As the weather chills
and time freezes with icicles from the trees
Christmas lights, floating like incandescent stars
and crowds grow bigger
shops grow smaller
I am alone in mind
I am alone in soul

As the weather chills
and snow patters softly upon the frozen ground
Christmas turkeys, wafting like intangible breezes
and feasts grow bigger
and clothes grow smaller
I am hungry in mind
I am starving in soul

As the weather chills
and radios chatter happily into the empty streets
Christmas gatherings, whirling like flames in passionate fires
and photo albums grow numerous
and laughter grow louder
I am happy, I tell myself. 
        I am happy alone,
                  I am happy starving 

I am happy. 

I am. 


Without you. 

I am. 

I am. 

I am

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Meaningless Dreary Post Designed To Destress Myself




It's been exactly one month since I've got to this new place, and to think that there were so many new experiences for me to write about....

And I didn't. As per usual.

Perhaps I really need to get my priorities straightened out. Writing, studying, socializing, reading. We spend so much time immersed in the current flow of events sometimes we forget what was it that we promised ourselves we'd do, some few months ago.

This is so me. Like, GOD, that IS me. 
Anyway, don't really have time to write. Don't really have time to do anything but go to school, go to activities, travel back home and trying to squeeze some studying in between all those. Sometimes I wonder if it's me, or maybe time just has a grudge against me. Probably me and my insatiable need to get involved in all interesting activities.

Looming tests and unending piles and piles of lectures to go through. Sometimes I wonder what's the point of all this. What if I just toss 'em all to the back of the room and sleep the day away? What if I hadn't choose this path and continued on the road less travelled upon? 'What' and 'if'; amazing, how the most innocent words can be combined to give the greatest mystery in life.

Ah, the pointless ponderings. No use meandering down a path with unforeseeable ends. Sometimes I wonder if I really do possess an ounce of courage. I try; really I do. I look at cockroaches and say 'hand me those slippers' though my knees are knocking violently. I stare down high towers with nothing but a string connecting me to another meagre string and say 'Push' when all I really want was to run away. I talk to strangers, ask for directions in foreign languages, stare down hostile dogs, go on stage with nothing but a blank head and a microphone; just to prove that fear cannot conquer me.

Good doggie, cute doggie, stay-the-hell-away-from-me-doggie-please-or-I-might-shit-my-pants-doggie

It's funny, the things people do just to prove something. Maybe I'm just trying to convince myself I can conquer fear, that I am brave, that I do possess courage.

But what are those little things compared to the courage in facing the unknown? The courage to chase your dreams and not knowing what lies ahead. The courage to overcome obstacles and abandon familiarity?

I am nothing but a coward.

Ah. I'm getting off topic. I came here wanting to unload my homesickness upon you hapless souls, but ended up here instead. But I guess that's just life. Perhaps someday in the future I would not be where I expect to be. *fingers crossed*

Until then, I would continue down this path I chose, for it is this path that I chose, and it is this decision I must adhere to, no matter the price.

Where does it lead?  To Sevvy??? =DDD

Lecture notes, they really do mess you up. =P

Anyhow, I really would ( I swear upon Severus name and everything Snapey) write about my new life here, how beautiful everything is, how rainy and dreary and gloomy it'd become, how freezing cold my perfectly-formed gluteus maximus is; but it all has to wait for now. Time isn't really a friend right now, and *sighs*. God knows how much I want to just sit down and write, and read, and sleep the day away.

Wish me luck; for I do wish you the best. May you find courage in life, bit by bit, the way I'm trying to. =)

For we all need the courage to take that one first step. =) p.s. I do have a pair of nice shoes, don't I? 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013





考试;什么是考试?只不过是侧夜未眠,黑暗中望着天花板拼命的重复刚才从课本里 copy paste 的一团乌黑的字。隔天,一张张空白的纸张,心跳加速,好像戴上了blinders的赛马只看到前方一只黑色圆珠笔不停地蠕动,九十分钟,一只笔 vs 一叠厚厚的白纸;为了前途的残忍搏斗,手腕的刺痛肩膀的酸痛脚趾头的冷冻…… 不记得了。

Endless cycles of panic, relief, longing and regret, dissolving into a vague recollection of sweat and tears. Lost in dim hazy memories, never meant to be recalled.


考试结束,毕业了,高兴吗?我还是一样一句不记得了。只记得考完试以后的那一餐撑死人的Jogoya, 因为太好吃以后应该也不敢去了。禁不起诱惑的人(就是我了啦)因吃太多打了好几天的嗝,撑了好几天,还得看着体重慢慢上升…… 一次,就这么一次吧。(说是这么说,搞不好明天我又倍受诱惑到某某地方残杀我的体重 T^T)


23剑客。我们这一班。College 里还能有个属于自己的班级自己的同班同学其实感觉好好。=P

过后,BTN,然后 泰国,游轮,一堆不知天高地厚的小朋友们。整艘船就我们最小最会闹,半夜三更到游泳池里和海浪搏斗,原来游轮上的泳池在海风的袭击下还真不输给真还浪,挺有《铁达尼号》里最后那一幕黑暗里捉着浮板漂来漂去又冷又累的感觉。当然,冷了累了就成群的泡在泳池旁的 hot tub,疯狂地笑,疯狂地聊。原来我们也能比电影中那些美少女孩儿们泡温泉尝红酒更加疯狂。到了泰国没看到漂亮的 “女孩儿” 没听到 “三碗猪脚”,却学会了 “攀攀攀攀” 也遇见了 “芒果汤匙”,还有可爱的“双博士” Mr Sensei,和Mrs Sophisticated Lim 老太太,当然也不忘了我的Ronald!呼,的确没白去。

从小到大除了和父母去旅行之外似乎都没肚子和朋友们外出了,这一次和一群死党在各奔东西前在游轮上胡闹了一番,想必下次一定非常怀念。念完大学以后应该很难再次有个这样的机会让我们疯疯癫癫地放松自己了吧…… 不同的经验,不同的感觉,特别的回忆。

James Bond Island 上自high把占士邦女郎的性感形象给毁了?

James Bond Island : The Poses =P
人家总说年轻时得和朋友一起旅行,我明白了。 ^ ^


心情开始变了。不知道为什么总生气,坏脾气。又开始喜欢一个人静一静躲在房里对着墙壁说话。练到差不多了的肖邦夜曲突然完全弹不出了,对着钢琴越弹越生气,这样的夜曲连鬼都会被吓走吧。心情好好的,突然说到念大学就莫名的生气,沉默不语。回槟城,大家都说好久不见,再不见,得等两年半后再见。每说到这就有种泄气的感觉,就连去购物也一样。平时最喜欢的 shopping,一想到得准备些上大学穿的衣服,奇怪的脾气又来了。告诉自己,得控制,也许只是对即将出炉的成绩有点担心而已。



爱尔兰。暂时没有自己拍的爱尔兰照,有了肯定让你们羡慕羡慕 :P

朋友拍的,(Chaichai,copyright pinjam sikit arh!) 古老的建筑在阳光下,哗!

你看!多帅的一帮朋友,一到那里就到我未来学院去拍了张照给我 =3=




 真不明白自己怎么这么懒,这么不懂得珍惜。也许因为找屋而烦,时间所剩不多,到手的尽是一些rejection mails。 已经不耐烦了,不想理了,可这样对大家都不公平,所以每天每天都在重复看着同样的网页同样的adverts,越看越想赖在家里不走。不想放开现在无忧无虑的生活,想做的都能做,看书追戏烘培写小说都无需顾虑够不够时间念书够不够钱或还有些什么杂物没做,简直天堂。

离开? 我为啥要离开我的天堂?


说到On Call,故事可长了,暂时还没看完,不过现在的总结?


凶是凶了点啦 ,不过太可爱了我原谅你。:P 下次要是给我遇上一个这样的,嘿嘿……

Sighs. How little I remember since June 6th. All those months, summarised into nothing but a few paragraphs. Just because of a certain reluctance to turn on the computer; memories, moments -- all have slipped through the fingers of time, doomed to a fate of vague recollections. What of that promise I made to record all the moments in my life? What of that promise I made to keep the promises I made?

It's time to plan next year's resolutions. And stick to it.

咳,这几天,缩在家里对着电话里的   “非死不可”, 完全瘫痪了。行李,还没动。文件,还没准备。每天告诉自己要开始了得开始了然后赖在床上不想把眼睛睁开。


Odd random moments when inspiration strikes and the feels are right.....





Thursday, June 6, 2013

And I Had the Best Day, With You, Today.

My very first post as a 20 year old. Welcome to the twenties, they're saying.
I love cotton candies. before they harden, anyway.
And they're so fluffy and cute!!!

Oh well. Age's only a number, as a friend so kindly told me.

What's important is the heart.

And the things you have, the people you've met, the events you'd experienced, and all the good and bad things in life.

Ahh. Birthdays.Stuff made of clouds and cotton candy and an extra dose of amazing.

To be frank, I'd never been a real fan of birthdays. No no no, don't roll your eyes at me. Really. I mean, everyone's got one, and it's not like you get to choose your birthday. It's just... a birthday. I didn't really get it. What's the big deal?

But now I think I got it. Why people love birthdays so much. Why birthdays are such huge events. It's the day you're born. The day you're given a chance at creating your own world. It's like writing a story, or designing a building, or directing a film, and watching it come to life. But it's better, because you get to live your creation.

Thanks mom, dad, for giving me a birthday. =P I'd probably made your heads ache since I'd been born. Teehee.

Plus, it doesn't hurt when you get to be the queen on your birthday. =P I swear, you get so pampered and spoilt and waited upon like the cuter version of Cinderella's stepsister.

Cuter version of ze stepsista
But today?

Wow. That's the only word that comes to mind. I haven't had a birthday so ... so celebrated. I swear, I've put on kilos of sweet memories and fatty love these few days.  :P it's like I have not a birthday, but a birth...week? LOL.

My god. All of the celebrations. All those wishes. Surprise Midnight Attack, McDonald's Ambush, Messages/Notifications-Tsunamis, Photos-bomb, Huge Meat Fiesta, Unexpected Gift....

First came my housemates Midnight Attack. I swear, those three are war-seasoned spies with all those 'war' strategies and sneaking around they come up with. :P Then came the second wave where they recruited another two dear friends into their ranks. Even though I'd suspected something the moment we stepped through the doors of McDonalds'. Since when do we book seats before ordering when the shop's...empty? MUAHAHAHA.

But then I'd wrote the feeling off as "thinking too much" and ended up being...ambushed.

All things aside, damn it all, I was genuinely surprised, and I didn't know how to react besides hiding my face in my hands. As much of my face that my hands can hide, I mean. *holds up tiny hands and sighs*

making wishes for the...second time?
bit greedy now, don't you think?
What to do, too many cakes d. XD
One of the Recruits. XD My very pro Physics tutor :P I swear, sometimes I get so jealous of him. Sighs.
The strategists. Liars, if you ask me. LIARSSS. But good-friendly-awesome liars. XD

And then today. Woke up rather late (Bed loves me too much) and went on an outing with my Troop (as they call themselves; sighs. Thank you Chemistry Lecturer for labeling us.) with no idea how awesome the day could turn out to be. Even had two funnily serious guys along for the trip. :P We had  trouble choosing places to eat at first, but then ended up in this German restaurant, Brotzeit.

Meat Platter. Super Yum.

There was this table full of aged ladies behind us, and we were joking about how we'd end up years later just like them. We'd (well, they, not me) even match each one of us with them. It was kinda fun, imagining us lasting that long, through the years. It'll be awesome, don't cha think?

Camwhoring before the meal comes. Me and ze legendary Hannah. 
Cindy CHAI and nanana joining the camwhoring troop. :P

moldy and the troop. +2. as dubbed by our chemistry lecturer.

This girl was supposed to celebrate her birthday with me. :( But she left me to ze mortification alone. :(

When it was time to sing THE song, I was mortified. Why? Because the waiters had gather round and sang (LOUDLY) with us. One of the waiters (was he the one who was dubbed Taylor Lautner by dear Rebecca?) even got a straw and made me blow the candles through it. Thoroughly. Mortified.

Me and the free dessert from Brotzeit!
Credits to Waiyi, who managed to capture all the weird expressions I have. 

But what's really mindblowing is that, after we'd sang the song, the ladies behind us began to sing too! And they were celebrating the yellow-bloused lady's birthday, whom they'd associated with me! Even her name sounded almost the same as Moldy. *Mindblowing*

We even met the two awesome, aliens(?) from Monsters' University!

Mike, and Sully, and us!

I have no idea who that is behind us. LOL
And when I got home, finally winding down by commenting on random photos posted on Facebook, I got another surprise.

thanks Blockmates Shuning and Chingyee for this awesome creampuff! I had fun making cream mustaches. XD

Wow. I was so surprised I didn't know how to react. Thanks. Really. Thanks. I don't know what else to say but thanks thanks thanks.

And that goes to all these important people in my life.

20 years.

So genuinely surprised, and subsequently touched by all the people who cared enough for me to plan all these stuff, all the efforts, all the thoughts that went into this whole thing.

It makes me wanna cry. It makes me realise that even though I haven't any major accomplishments or big steps towards my dream or what-nots in my life so far, I already have so many friends and family. These important people in my life, people who love me, care about me, and people I didn't know was that important to me.

I guess I did pretty okay for twenty years so far, with a little bit of help from these people. After all, the sense of belonging can be pretty awesome, and I'd found it with them.

Life'd be pretty boring without them.

And I guess that--having a bunch of awesome people with you-- that's the greatest achievement one can ever ^^

Thanks, for being in my life.

Thanks, for making my entrance into the twenties the best one can ever have.

And Thanks, simply for being there.

"I get by with a little help from my friends.
 I get high with a little help from my friends.
 Going to try with a little help from my friends."
~ The Beatles

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Midnight Ambush

All sixes for my 6.6. I love sixes now. 666666

Surprised. Shocked. Flabbergasted. Astonished. Caught totally unaware. Completely bowled over.

Ambushed. At Midnight. Four days before my birthday. By none other than those three devious housemates of mine.

Well, to be fair, sometimes I’m even more devious (evil?) than them, but that’s another story for later. =P

The guilty headphones.
Right, it's not gigantuous,
but the quality of the sound's awesome.
It was four days before my birthday. And we had a rather major paper on Monday, Tuesday, and for some of us, Wednesday! Three days worth of nightmares! I’d assumed we wouldn’t celebrate it (ngeh. I wouldn’t have mind. Not really that big a fan of birthdays.) Or that if we would, maybe after the huge obstacles are over.

But no. They had to prove me wrong.

I really should’ve paid more attention to what they were doing. After all, I did catch them talking at low voices behind me, but then again, they could be discussing exam questions for all I know! With my huge headphones cutting me off from the rest of the world, they could be discussing murdering all the roaming cats here and dumping it on my bed and I wouldn’t have had the slightest idea.

Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating a little, but really. I really had no idea whatsoever.

Le Much Loathed Durian Cake
So, when the door was opened at midnight, and the lights switched off, and the two HUGE candles floated in through the door, I was momentarily speechless. They started singing the birthday song, and I was going OMG (and something else, but I wouldn’t say what =P) all the way through.

And the greatest thing ever was, they bought THE loathed durian cake from Secret Recipe which was my absolute favourite! (well, one of my favourites anyway. Geminis. *sighs*) And Beatrice, who couldn’t stand the smell of durian (as in, she wouldn’t even breathe when the awesome durian smell wafts over) prepared the cake, stood outside the door and waited for the other two fellow masterminds in the house to let her in.

Brave one, that one is.

I didn’t even know it was durian cake until she told me she literally couldn’t breathe. HA!
Le Me and my Mao-Tze-Tung hairstyle
Awe-when-I discovered Durian Cake

And then they started to whip out phone cameras (well, MY phone camera) and do what they do with cameras. It had been unbearably hot, I had thrown on a, well, let’s just say I wouldn’t walk out of the house wearing … that; my hair wrestled into a incredibly unique Mao-Tze-Tung style which left my forehead shining like a perfectly boiled egg; and eyes baggier than Dudley Dursley’s dreadful hand-me-down denims.

I mean, Cameras + those? Ouch. Sore eyes.

At least they let me change into something decent. *whew*

Photo-taking was fun. We were all sporting dark panda eyes and heavy eyebags thanks to the A Levels, and our house wasn’t really as neat as usual. (Neat in the “as usual” sense doesn’t really mean it’s neat though. =S Maybe just a tad less disorganised.)

I couldn’t thank you guys enough. Seriously. The first time I’ve been away from my family for my birthday (yes, first) but you’ve made me feel l like I’m among family members. Thanks, for the pretty awesome ambush in the middle of the night. =) 
p.s. Thanks also, for ‘letting’ me finish that piece of cake by myself. Durian rules! XD
Candle no taste good. 

Camera quality wasn't that good, but our friendship makes up for it, eh? 10 years on my right, 14 on my left. Our friendship is almost our whole life. =)

Ignore the artistic mess please around the house. We're just expressing our artistic souls. XD 
Perhaps we'll get the chance to do this again. I know, I know, the rest of your birthdays are in December, which means if everything goes according to plan I probably won't be here to do this again with all of you. This year, at least. But there's still lotsa things to celebrate. The end of A Levels perhaps? Graduation?

Or we can wait till all of us are back in Malaysia for a huge reunion. =P That's kinda far away, ain't it?

I really really hope we can keep in touch. But knowing myself.... ARGH. I can't think that way. I'll have to try, at least.

I will try. Promise. *bites nails*

We will keep in touch, won't we?

Sixes again! Matching Tees too! Purple's the colour this year.
Le Cake can't take any more photographing. It's too tired it needs to lay down.